To receive consultations, people who call the Single Call Center will navigate the following menu:
Button 1 - Consultations in the field of tax legislation Which will have the following compartments:
Information on income tax;
Information on value added tax and excise duties;
Information on taxes, local fees and the entrepreneurial patent;
Other questions.
Button 2 - Technical Assistance
Button 3 - Report cases of non-compliance with the tax legislation
Button 4 - Report conflict situations or corruption by tax officials
Button 5 - Check excise stamps
AVIZ cu privire la desfășurarea concursului privind ocuparea funcției publice din cadrul Secției deservire persoane fizice, Direcția deservire fiscală Bălți a Direcţiei generale deservire fiscală (cu sediul în mun. Bălți) – 1 funcție temporar vacantă