CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CVs) FULL-TIME ASSIGNMNET (PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT SERVICES) REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Preparation of the Tax Administration Modernization Project (TAMP) Grant No. TF017415 Project ID Number: P127734 The Government of the Republic of Moldova (GoM) is currently preparing a comprehensive Tax Administration Modernization Project (TAMP), aiming at comprehensive reforming of the Moldovan State Tax Service (STS, Beneficiary) in terms of the organizational and HR aspects, tax policy and operational procedures, as well as the profound modernization of the information technology. The development objectives of the TAMP are to strengthen the STS capacity through increased efficiency and effectiveness. This include the establishing a unified tax administration organization, with the proposed introduction of regional centres, systematic development of HR and profound modernization of operational procedures transparently reflected in the adequate information technology (IT). Additional TAMP overall objectives are to reduce the taxpayers´ compliance cost and to improve compliance and the professionalism and integrity of the STS staff. The TAMP initiative has been designed on the basis of five main components, these being: Tax policy and analysis. Institutional development. Operational development. IT infrastructure and system Modernisation. Project Management and Change Management The GoM has received a grant from the Multi-donor Programmatic Trust Fund for Europe and Central Asia Region Capacity Development (TF017415) for the preparatory activities specifically related to the TAMP component IV - Revision of business processes and development of functional and technical requirements for the Integrated Tax Management System (ITMS). Procurement of services under the Grant shall be carried out in accordance with the World Bank’s Procurement Guidelines. The objective of the Project is to develop the concept design, technical specifications and business process mapping for the implementation of an integrated information system for the TAMP. The main part of the project is the concept design and technical specifications development which includes: (a) Conducting an assessment of STS's current business processes and gap analysis for developing a concept design for the new integrated tax system, including the following: (i) a review of existing legislation governing the stages of the tax administration processes at the central and local level; (ii) institutional, functional, organizational arrangements and information flows, taking into account the functions that will support the implementation of the integrated system; (iii) a gap analysis identifying the differences between the existing procedures and the baseline practice, and changes required before the implementation of the integrated tax system; (iv) an action plan for implementing the required changes (legislative, organizational, functional, procedural and information flow arrangements); and (v) the preparation of the concept design to include the conceptual model of an integrated tax management system including the functional coverage of the system. (b) Developing the system design and technical specifications, including: (i) the preparation of detailed functional and technical specifications for the integrated tax management system as well as the necessary central server systems; (ii) the design of the communication infrastructure for a countrywide integrated tax system; (iii) the identification of necessary network equipment for the connectivity of central systems and territorial offices; (iv) the identification of hardware and standard software solutions for effective integration of the central system and territorial offices; (v) the technical specifications of the necessary engineering support systems for the establishment of proper physical environment for system users and for the operational technical equipment; and (vi) a plan for the implementation of the integrated tax management system. The GoM is seeking the services of an individual Project Management Consultant (PM Consultant) with experience in managing IT projects. The objective of the assignment is to manage project activities efficiently and monitor the project implementation in accordance with the terms and performance indicators set out and assist the STS in the development of necessary management skills and technical support capabilities within the STS, organization of change management activities through technical advice, to ensure the successful launch of the TAMP project with emphasis on component IV, the ITMS solution tender. Main Responsibilities The PM Consultant will be responsible for following tasks: Develop and keep up to date the Plan approved by the STS related to Project Preparation work; Organize and ensure efficient activities related to Project Preparation work and achievement of objectives; Facilitate taking optimal and strategic decisions by STS regarding Project Preparation work, this includes ensuring monthly steering committee meeting agendas are set for review of project plan, issue log, and risk matrix; Monitor Project preparation work in accordance with the terms and performance indicators set out identifying variances from plan and proposing corrective actions; Initiate administrative procedures referring to adjustment in project components/subcomponents, documents, and budget; Coordinate, with the authorization of STS, the relevant relations and actions/measures within the STS, with the state administration authorities, public institutions, donors, World Bank, other institutions, individuals and legal entities directly or indirectly involved in project activities; Elaborate working plans on project activities; Provide assistance in the elaboration of bid documents; Organize and ensure the activities related to the signing of contracts and to the authorization of payments for the project related activities; Support the STS team in selection of the Company who will be responsible for preparation of TAMP Component IV: Revision of business processes and development of functional and technical requirements for the ITMS; Ensure synchronization and harmonization of Project activities with the activities of the Sweden Tax Service; Supervise the observance of due procedures in project financial management; Ensure timely elaboration of reports and relevant financial statements related to Project Preparation work; Organize grant audits in compliance with the Project requirements. The PM Consultant will be expected to establish close working relations with the STS project team and Counsellor-company working on the project. This assignment will require an individual PM Consultant, who has: Not less than 7 years of practical experience in managing IT projects. University degree in business administration, engineering or related fields; Substantial leadership, project management and change management expertise. Proven ability to communicate project issues with high ranking government officials, and to resolve key issues quickly, will be essential; Experience in implementing IT systems in public authorities; Abilities to communicate, negotiate, analyze, elaborate and present reports; Ability to build trust and work effectively with STS management and staff; Ability to manage an assignment and stay on schedule and within budget; Fluency in English; knowledge of Romanian and/or Russian languages will be an advantage; Excellent computer skills; and Strong oral and written communication skills. Advantage will be: Familiarity with World Bank procedures; Experience in administration of donor financed projects; Experience in the development and implementation of IT systems in state authorities; Work experiences in tax administration. The GoM now invites eligible individual PM consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested Consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (CV, copy of the diploma, description of similar assignments, copy of the certificate(s) confirming trainings attended, etc.). This Call for Expression of Interest will lead to the preparation of a Short List of consultants. For evaluation of the expressions of interest the following criteria will be applied:   A consultant will be selected as an Individual Consultant in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, published in January 2011. The assignment will be implemented in the period from September 2015 – April 2016. It is estimated to entail 3.5 person months of input (100% of time in the field, at least 2 weeks per month) over 7-month period of consultancy. The assignment may be extended beyond project preparation to include project management support during TAMP project execution. Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 09:00 to17:00 hours (Chisinau time). Expressions of interest must be delivered on paper to the address below or electronically by e-mail by September 4th, 2015, 17-00 (Chisinau time). Chişinău, 9, Cosmonauţilor str., office 222 , from . 09.00 till 17.00 hours.   The Main State Tax Inspectorate Attn: Ms. Natalia Trofaila 9 Cosmonauţilor street., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova natalia.trofaila@fisc.md,Tel: + 373 22 82 34 40 E-mail: natalia.trofaila@fisc.md or gheorghe.cojocari@fisc.md Foto: salvosan.ro

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